Description: Transports target to an area nearby. Distance and accuracy depends on the magic level of the caster
Other uses: You could teleport a boulder nearby above your foes, instead of using telekenesis.
Need: Medium, it's great to go places instantaniously, but a problem is teleporting to a place where someone else teleported to.. results would vary... you'd merge and soon die, some researchers thinks.
My schedule makes me bored as hell OAO
Maybe because I've already adjusted to the almost-every-day-of-the-week kind of schedule... now I have two consecutive days off.. and it's driving me nuts X...x
Not only that, but the people in my class seems... "distant" this year... Meh... fine.. If I feel like it, you'd find me in AD2 next semester XP
Been bored to hell, probably because I don't have anymore games to play on my PS2.... Maybe I should buy some more... or better yet borrow some...
I predict I'd have MY NDSL by August...
Why NDSL? because I dont know anyone (aside from PKMNph-ers) that has a DS.... well, there's Sean... but who else? everyone wants a PSP...
The only problem I would see when using a DS... is that everyone else has a PSP... I can't link-play/game-share O...O
but at least I'd play Elite Beat Agents, or Phoenix Right X9
4:18 PM Did You LISTEN Carefully?
Nigel Sioson
12th of May
UST:Fine Arts Major in Advertising