Description: A White Magic spell that returns an unconscious ally back to consciousness (does not work on Dead allies).
Other Uses: Chance to One Kit KO an undead foe.
Need: One of the Must-Have spells a White Mage (or any other cross classes) should get early in the game.
I've finally decided to revive my blog... (and yeah.. I might not post a lot.. but I'm sure I'll post once in a while now)
anyways, A lot has happened since my last post... and I'd rather not state them all.... and like any other tradition, (if anyone noticed it) I *try* to revive my blog every May... (sometime near my birthday) hahaha... anyways...
I started with changing the image in the center, added the revived pages or Rina and Kye, and restored a floobe chatterbox... and yeah, a Gimmick.. A spell for each post....
4:24 PM Did You LISTEN Carefully?
Nigel Sioson
12th of May
UST:Fine Arts Major in Advertising