Anywho... A lot of things I dontt know about... our GEOMETRY teacher didn't teach us that!!!!
Anywho~ (now that's done) We have Our Periodical tests this week... T.T being a senior is hard... test after test after test after quiz after test after test
... Anywho~ I've put up some art up in devArt... And you might find one here (look to the right... NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!! The OTHER RIGHT!!!- I mean your left!-... ... ... that was stupid... Well... You'll see it in a ...
There are six different colored balls in abox... You'll only need to get one in the box... Now... The colors are (Axle the) RED, (tron) GREY (bonne), (rikku) Blue, (Optic) Sunflower Yellow, Silver(Lumine), And Ultramarine (OFUDA)... What is the probability to get "Ultramarine (OFUDA)"??
WAHH!!! Probability!!! @.@ It's Confusing!!! RAWRRR!!!! (fyi we havent discussed that part yet...)
7:20 PM Did You LISTEN Carefully?
Nigel Sioson
12th of May
UST:Fine Arts Major in Advertising