Haha!!! just the thought of pure randomness added with creative writing creates some "semi-fact based" stories of some people I know...(pardon the spelling I'm doing this while my sis is in the "throneroom"...)
Let's start... alphabetical??
Shall We? After You...
Anki Shinzoutu
- is the guy who created DesCha...The end...
Ichidai Takahashi
- got a love letter from an annonymous person tthrough mail...
"wonder who might it be... it says that she's someone I know and to meet her at the pier...."
so, he went down to the pier to meet "her"
...!!! It turns out to be UENO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jessica Morgan
- was talking to a guy, who just simply loooves porno, in a bar downtown...
"So... I heard you owned a hotdog company that wnet bankrupt... and you have super powers"
"Ugh! Dont remind me... and I heard you were the guy who has the biggest collection fo porno..."
"Yeah... You wanna see them?"
"Oh, But there's a cath"
"Yeah? What is it?"
"You'll just have to... *wispers something in her ear ...you dig?"
"...They're not for sale."
"ooohhh... You scared???"
"... Oh, There's something I have to tell you about my powers..."
"they're deadly when I'm pissed! I'M PART-VAMPIRE!!! *Slices guy's head off*... one more martini please...
Kang Li
- "NYUU~" *hugs giant Moshi plush* when soon distrupted by a man unknown to/by her...
"Hey, Little girl? Wanna Go Out?" !!!
"What!!? Are you challenging me!!?" *the guy gives off a wide grinn...
"well, then... YOU ASKED FOR IT!!! HIYAAAAAA!!!" tosses a box of crayons at him
"HEY LITTLE GIRL!!! ... Crayons? Is that it???"
"HA! Dont underestimate the power of MegaDodo's Toxic Crayons(TM)!!!"
"Hunh? WHAA-!!!" suddenly realiseing that the crayons are bubbling around his feet
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" *runs away screaming 'I want my mommy'*
"BWAHAHAHAHA!!! Taht should teach you not to interrupt my hugging!!!
Rika Shiroi Miyamuri
- is married to Suisei Miyamuri!!! And has two kids... Hideki and Megumi...
One day they went out for lunch, the four of them... when disaster struck!!! the two apparantly spilled spagetti on her!!!
"UGH!!! MY DRESS!!!! look what you did to it!!!!" *she scoldes the two*
"Wer'e sowee..."
"C'mon honey... Don't be harsh on them..."
"Oh, Alright..."
"mabe we should get home..."
and yet another one...
"What!!? Whaddaya mean I'ts Loundry day!!?"
and yet another one...
"What!!? Whaddaya mean The Garbage Truck Already Passed By!!?"
and yet another one...
"What!!? Whaddaya mean Sakuraii's Comeing For Dinner!!?"
and yet another one...
"What!!? Whaddaya mean I Can't Cook!!?"
and yet another one...
"What!!? Whaddaya mean "Arrem is not real!!?"
and yet another one...
"What!!? Whaddaya mean "Kang's Dating Him!!?"
and yet another one...
"What!!? Whaddaya mean You Don't Have Any Money!!?"
and yet another one...
"What!!? Whaddaya mean I'ts Past My Bed Time!!?"
and yet another one...
"What!!? Whaddaya mean The Computer's Busted!!?"
and yet another one...
"What!!? Whaddaya mean I'ts 3:00 AM!!?"
and yet another one... It just doesn't stop...
Sakuraii Miyamuri
Mia Nedia, A Former Member Of The Sakuraii Miyamuri Fan Club, Has Just Reveiled to everyone That Sakuraii Miyamuri Hides All His Porn Stuff Under "someone's" Bed!!!!
Ueno Kyujin
- is walking down the street heading for ichidai's place because he "accidentaly" e-mailed everyone that he's a gay-pedophile... Of course he was angry! Down the street he passed by a little boy eating a kind-of-big swirliepop... he stoped dead and looked back at the boy and backtracked to him...
"Hehehe..." he said with a wide grinn making the little boy scared...
8:04 PM Did You LISTEN Carefully?
Nigel Sioson
12th of May
UST:Fine Arts Major in Advertising