Ahh.... Finally a new post >....< It's been a long time scince the last one....
Anyways, About my Aliases... or Nicknames... Pennames, User names.... whatever names.... >...> It's a long story cut short....
Yaten Omasurii - Ten_chan
He's one of the characters from my first few stories, Gaia Warriors: Rockin' Midgard... His original name was Ken... and he has a friend named Gouki >...> so it was like.. O...o ZOMG streetfighter refference!! So I looked... (as well as my sister) for a much unique name... She called out Yaten >....> Hmmm...? Sure that sounds nice.. I havent heard of that japanese name....
Oh but soon after some friends pointed out that Yaten is a character from the last(?) season of Sailor Moon >...> wow... you mean that guy that turns into a Sailor Soldier...?
Anyway, Then on I used Yaten Omasurii or ten_chan...
Leviathan Ofuda - LO
A character from a recent story that is inclined with another story (ESC) >...>on a research with the Eidolon/Summon/Esper/Materia/GF/Aeons of square(soft/enix) I liked Leviathan best...
So sfter that "GaiaOnline" incident (which I would not talk about) I made another account with the name LeviathanOfuda >...> and Scince then I used Levi very often...
Azusa Hikari - Azphael Light
Okay, it's the other way around... The original is Azphael, I just made Azusa while I was making the story....
Anyway, I didn't know what I wrote that day, I just typed an unusual name when registering for a Gunbound Account.. unfortunately I cant seem to open it anymore O....o
Anyways After that I used that username for a number of online games >...>
Now I organized the users to what I use them on: Yaten Omasurii : Story Writing : Blogger : www.magefanatic.blogspot.com LeviathanOfuda : Artstuffs : Deviant Art : www.leviathanofuda.deviantart.com Azphael Light : Video Gaming/Pokemon : Multiply/Website : www.azphaellight.multiply.com / www.pkmnph.com
5:47 PM Did You LISTEN Carefully?
Nigel Sioson
12th of May
UST:Fine Arts Major in Advertising