Description: An offensive magic that does reasonable area damage.
Other uses: when used at the sky, it makes great inexpensive fireworks display.
Need: A flashy move, but not really needed...
It was my 18th birthday last may 12, and frankly, I don't feel any different.... but I could say that one thing that is, the whole birthday celebration became a 3-day thing, really strange and fun indeed!
May 11
I had my party on this day, two reasons, one, my best friend RJ had his braces put on the next day (12), and two, it was Arnise training on saturday , the next day.
anyway, the usual people came, RJ, Rina, Cheryl, and allelly, two other people who wasn't there last year came as well, my sister's friend, Khan, and A batch mate in the same college, Rina's classmate, and happens to live nearby, Kenneth... or as we call him Kenchu...
I had pasta that day, not ordinary spaghetti.. . I asked for two kinds of sauce to be served, the usual red spaghetti sauce, and my favorite garlic mushroom white sauce XD, served as well, everyone's favorite, Fried Chicken...
the usual, Party games, via PS2 (which I got last christmas) and I finally showed Rina "Lucky Star" which , I guess, she is obssesing about... XuX
it was fun! really... the day ended with khan leaving last... and me , my sister, and granma watching recent episodes of Heroes ...
May 12
Khan said the day before, I'd be going through 18 sparring lessons, or whatever, in arnise training.. XP but unfortunately he felt sick (probably because he didn't eat any pasta the day before.. I dont know, something about him hating italians) so I said nothing about such with Tina (one of the Leskas people/seniors during training)... I also met Dondi that day... I dont think i mentioned that to Khan though... anyways, he taught me the 12 basic blocks (since I was the only one lagging/guessing when we were practicing) and the 7 techniques..
I also sparred with this kid, he was nice... I hardly know anyone like him in his age... they'd all be playing around and shouting naruto stuffs and whatever...
Anyways, after training I met up with Arred in Shang... that's because he mixed up the dates again XP I told him twice that I'm having the party on 11... and he missed it... so I treated him for coke and fried rice.. and one game in guitar freaks.. V2!! but this kid ruined the night.. we accidentally got "linked" ans as I recall someone saying "some songs disappear when in link" I'm not sure though, but I couldn't find Luvly Merry go Round and Hikari E... but we did manage to find For the Future and Dragon Blade.... but it still sucked because of the link play...
May 13/14
when you think traditions are about to be broken, it comes and sleeps over in your place... really, in my previous birthdays, I remember Arred sleeping over, every year, this time, I managed to get a copy of Silent Hill for us to play... but with it we learned one thing to fear....
.. not that SH's loading screen is creepy, but I think the copy is busted or something... It wont load the window cutscene!!
after that, we decided to play something else... then we slept when the sun was rising.... for the first time, I actually saw Arred sleeping!! O...O
that's pretty much my Weekend, and yeah, Happy birthday to mee~ XP
oh, and remember Lucky star? I just love the opening theme XD it spawned the greatest sprite animation I have ever seen!!
Lo and behold, Rockman and his team dancing to the tune of Motteke Sailor Fuku!!