Monday, June 11, 2007

Passive Skill: Magic Counter

Magic Counter

Description: When hit by any magic spell, The person hit will cast the same spell at the previous caster. The spell used, unlike the Blue Mage (who learns special skills and magic by being hit by it and survives), is not learned.

Other Users: Any Job Class may learn Magic counter to prevent magic attacks, but there are cretain Items and Accessories that penetrates through such defenses.

Need: Against, low level mages, yes... expert mages would be likely to have special Accessories to boost and penetrate...

Got the internet back.. but my sister is in it most of the day..

Anyway, School's about to start in a day... *Sigh* but Atleast I manage to finish a couple of games... but one thing I noticed... to of the games I played are quite similar.... anyway, Ill be reviewing some of the games I played this summer...


It's a graphically beautiful game! game play is nice.. and I just love the soundtrack!!
anyway, fights are kind of okay.. nothing special... the field is limited when fighting lesser demons, the boss battles are kind of repetitive.. they don't change attack patterns and you know what to do.. only that their life is waaay too long.... But I do Like Kyubi's designs... He can counter your celestial brush with his tail!! the part near to the finall boss is so tipical of Capcom... you'd fight the previous bosses hahaha!! it's Megaman all over again XP (It's the same with Devil May Cry.. but I wont bother reviewing it)

It's a good game... actually... I'd give it 3.5/5

Final Fantasy XII

Well, Story wise.. It's a great game! (except for the ending which was "meh" to "okay-ish")
Gameplay wise.... It feels like an MMO -A-;; and I dont like MMO's much....
System wise... Leveling up takes a very long time.. gambits take you to a whole new Automatic Level and the License system is absurd... who needs license to wear armor!??
Graphics wise... the full rendered cinematics are cool but I like the in-game cimematics as well.. but I guess that's the only thing great about this game..
Music... It's okay... not very yeah..
FinalFantasy-ness.... It's a bit off.... While playing it it looks more of a Medieval version of Star Wars instead of a good Final Fantasy Title...
Side quests... what bothers me is that the hunts don,t expire.. or someone else does the hunt.. it's just you, you and you...
Mini Games.. the only mini game I saw was the fishing mini game...

overall... meh... 2.75/5

Final Fantasy X International

It's a nice title.. the Sphere grid is kind of messy.. It's like the License grid, only it much more limited.. and without the weapon/armor/accessory limit...
minigames are nice.. but getting the sigils are Very Hard, i mean, 200 Lightning Bolts!?? 0.00 record in Chocobo race?? BLITZBALL!!?? TAT it's so frustrating I almost destroyed my PS2...

Dark Aeons are a lot difficult.. especially Since I wanted to get The Magus sisters, but I'd have to get Anima, But I have to finish Macalania Temple, but Dark Shiva is in the way, So I try to level them up, But I need my Aeons, So i need to get Magus sisters, but I need Anima, But.. *cycle continues*

Anyway, The wapon customization is okay.. but it's the lack of items that gets to you... you'd bribe this monster N times to get enough.. and Yojimbo is a waste of money!! ... but then again I got Zanmato a couple of times by just giving hin 1 gil!! XD

Finally! I understand the story!! (I played X-2 first XP I didn't have a copy of X that time)

Over all.. 3/5 It's a good game.. but not really worth the effort to get the extra stuff...

Megaman X Command Mission

Okay, now this is where the spell kicks in (see title) It's all so weird... I played this after Playing FFX and I felt so at home... well, except for the game menu (o) and dash/cancel (/\)

anyways, First off, in the battle screen, you'd see the character s on the lower left, it's turn based, just like FFX, it is shown on the lower right... you can switch characters (if you have 4 or more) with the L2, just like the character switch in FFX!!

okay, advancing in the gameplay, there's the action trigger, which is like "overdrives, only you can use them more frequently.. what got to me was the similarity as well...
X - Press (X) until you get to maximum levels... but if you look at the earlier trial vids (gamespot) it's similar to Tidus' overdrive!!
Marino, Slot machine!! Wakka anyone??
Cinnamon, rotate the Right analog stick, Lulu?? but she heals instead of casting magics...

Elements, it's basic trio.. Fire water and elec.. but the strange thing is they all it fire, blizzard and thunder... FF?? O..o

either way you look at it, it's just like FF X O..o

So.. there's a possibility that Capcom is Copying SE.. but hey, there's only one MMCM.. they might not make another...

I haven't finished it but the Soundtrack I love, The sketches I love, the Figures I love, gameplay is okay.. story.. predictable... ending .. I dont know yet.. but I'm giving it a 4 'coz I'm a megaman fan XP call me Biased but hey....



so That's it I guess... O...o Nothing much happened other than me.. in my room playing all those games ... need to get out more often...

4:24 PM
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Done by Sze Jia
Edited by LeviathanOfuda