No matter how many times I look at the possibility, I knew it was coming.
the week started so wonderfully. Nothing special on Monday. T6 with Kechu. Tuesday went on so fluidly. Movie at Carol's, T6 with Khan, Ken, Kechu. Wednesday? I can't think of anything bad happening. T6 once again, with the same people Plus Terrence. Thursday. It's a nice day. what about it? Warcraft custom maps with Khan, Ken, Terrence and Xian. Friday... the end of the "week" as some people put it.
I went to school. Forgot about the meeting-thing. went home. slept till 1pm.
Guess what. I'm bleeding. Seriously. As in a lot. My grandparent's room has the meds and band aids, I'm using my monkey-print hankey to wrap up three wounds on my hand. My sketch pad has two drops on it, I can't take it off anymore, it has dried up. my floor has lots of drip-lets, My regform from last sem has my blood too, and the towel I'm currently using.
The lights in my room, broken. I'd rather stay up at the PC than try to sleep and wake up half-asleep in the middle of the night in total darkness, thinking, possibly, about the what could possibly pop out, even though I'd rather not believe in them.
Yes, that's how I sleep, I sleep with the lights on. I'll be alright to sleep with it off if someone sleeps with me in the room, beside me or not.
My fingers Hurt.
2:17 AM Did You LISTEN Carefully?
Nigel Sioson
12th of May
UST:Fine Arts Major in Advertising