My grandmother is staring at me as I type. I find it annoying really.. Let her read. I think it's what she wants. To know what I'm thinking.
This probably started this after noon. I think I've forgotten most of the details, Why would I even bother. Let's just say one thing led to another, and that my "lack of response" just pissed her off... no... maybe it was my actual response? Maybe? I dunno. Must be something I said.
I guess she doesn't know that's how I speak at times. Yes I admit. I sound rude. but that's just me. I could never change that. If somehow you saw me and I didn't act like myself. That's not me. That must be an evil (well, not exactly) alien, twin, poltergeist, or clone or something.
So anyway, It's also about the clash of values and well.. I could toss every topic out there, Religion and Christianity included.
Sometimes, I just wish some people would just stop bothering me. Especially if it's something small and illogical.
Like for example, I went and got a bowl of Ice cream. I ate it and placed the empty bowl on the table because I'll get some more, but I'm caught up typing on my blog. and now, here comes a certain someone telling me "If you're finished with the bowl, place it in the sink." Yes, yes, I've heard it a million times. and besides If I were truly finished with it, I would have put it in the sink and not on the table, wouldn't I? I'm not like my sister who would ask the help to do my bidding.
Yes that's my point there. I'm not done with it so I put it on the table. Would it kill you to think about that for a moment?
Another thing that really bugs me... I think I blogged about this already, is Repetition. not repetition as in weekly, but more of a smaller time-cycle, like daily. Yes, I don't eat b-l-d at the same time each day, I may take a bath in the morning or late evening, sometimes in the afternoon. If given Vitamins for everyday consumption, I might do it every other day though I may forget about it and not take it at all. Because of this, I think I'd hate to take a job that repeats itself every bloody day.
I think this blog is long enough... but my grandmother is still staring at me like some lioness on prowl.
God, I think i remember now. It was something about conflict between attitudes. Bleh. Something about me being so negative, actually, come to think of it, everything she says about me is pretty negative. Like the time I asked her if we had Neozep because I had a clogged nose, and then she started complaining about me not drinking water, because my lips are dry. Well... Why wouldn't it be dry? I have a clogged nose! I've been breathing through my mouth the whole time! it just pisses me off that sometimes people just don't think and asks/tells you something even though it quite apparent. Thank you very much, Captain Obvious!
Yes, this is becoming more of a rant now...
Also, like the time I went home pissed after PE, Mine was Korfball that time, and at that time, we didn't have wireless so my sister hogged the internet all day. Then she asked me "What is Korfball" I responded "Google it" then she suddenly gets angry at me, I mean she has the internet for cripes sake, I don't want to explain the whole bloody concept of that game.
So where were we...? oh, yes. The deal with me "not being compatible" with my grand mother. Oh geez, Isn't that what life is? "You can't really remove the stains on the wall, without some sort of remover". Honestly, that is the dumbest philosophy I've heard. it translates " If you don't want to live with it, Eliminate it". God, that is so old fashioned, like emperors killing heretics. Can't you just live with it? I mean, You can't really eliminate pests permanently, Sure they'll be gone, but after a while they'd come back, and usually with an immunity.
It's 11:50 PM I'd like more Ice cream, but she's still staring at me. I want to keep on typing for as long as she is staring.
Hmm.. I wonder...? Can she actually read it from where she's standing?
Oh, and there's her usual speech about me not being happy here, in this house. "Go to where youre happier, we didn't force you to stay, Leave if you will". As I said, This is life, There's no true happiness, they're usually short-lived. Besides, (I'd like to finish this blog now with this final statement; quite fitting for the all souls day and Halloween scenario) If you really don't like me to be here in this house, and that you want me to go someplace where I think I'd be happier... HERE'S A KNIFE! DRIVE IT THROUGH MY CHEST! That way I'm not here anymore, and I'm in a place where you some people call "paradise". No I don't believe in heaven nor hell.
Thank god I'm not here tomorrow, the next day, the 30th and probably the morning of N-1st. :D
Hmmm... I think this has to be my longest post since I created this blog. I should treat myself to something :D
Although... it's more of a rant actually. :/
12:20 still staring. She said something about "go and print it already, you have all night to read" What she doesn't get is that I'm adjusting the template of my blog. Yes, It's the evil me talking... "Old dogs never learn anything else once they hit that age. That or it requires a million Ability Points for them to learn just one single new thing."
Alright I give up :/ I'll go shut this down, go get more ice cream, and go sleep. so that I can wake up early tomorrow, alarm already set, go get advised, and off to that outing.
And yes, by now you should have realized, I'm not a "Family-kind-of-guy".
11:26 PM Did You LISTEN Carefully?
Nigel Sioson
12th of May
UST:Fine Arts Major in Advertising