An impromptu party was held at my place. Rina wanted a get-together, so we held up with what we can. Marina, Me, RJ, Che, Kechu, Were there. I was able to drag Pilar and her brother too :D
So Right after we got our "clearance" we went to 7-11 to buy stuff: Two packs of Pic-A bbq, Coke Zero, Pringles, and some hotdogs, because Che and I haven't eaten lunch yet.
It was pretty much a geek out. Played Melty Blood, KoF XI, KoF MI Regulation A, Narutimate Heros Accel 2 (PS2) Patapon, God of War (PSP) and Pilar's brother kept himself to his DS, Most likely The World Ends With You.
Fun afternoon actually... even though there wasn't much to do. We quickly got tired of fighting games. which ended up with Marina torturing RJ and vice versa. Of course, Che and I joined in. :D
9:32 PM Did You LISTEN Carefully?
Nigel Sioson
12th of May
UST:Fine Arts Major in Advertising