I can't forget about what happened. that moment. It was a dream, no matter how I look at it. It would have never been real.
That night, On that snow covered hill, SNOW, yes snow! That bit of information just screams "NOT REAL"). I was alone, Everyone else was in the cottage, I didn't want to mingle, too much hassle. I wanted to climb that hill, I didn't know you two were there, you were sitting with your "boy friend" (not real). You invited me to sit with you, and I did. After a short chat he left us, probably wanted hot cocoa. And moments later, you said something I couldn't believe. I've let myself close to you- we shared a kiss.
God that was annoying. Waking up. Recalling such a romantic dream. And seconds later Reality comes in and smacks you in the face. Yes, something horrible woke me up. It was the carpenter downstairs applying Varnish onto some furniture.
Why? Why such a wonderful dream filled with romance?? Why not the usual Adventure to some ancient temple only to find out we have to save the world and one by one we die because of a supernatural baby that kills off people with laser beams coming out of it's mouth?
I realized my DS was open. I was listening to music and I fell asleep. No wonder. Why did I put sad depressing BGMs and sad love songs and all that stuff in there?? I think I should renew my Playlist for this week...
Something like:
11:50 PM Did You LISTEN Carefully?
Nigel Sioson
12th of May
UST:Fine Arts Major in Advertising