As Kechu and I were walking home from class, we noticed the moon. It was around 6 so it was just a little above the horizon. It was huge, yellowish, and the clouds brought a sinister feel to it. We talked about Celestial disasters and curses, who would have thought...
I went to Terrence's party after walking Kechu home. Oh, the usual. Karaoke, and Beer. Seems like after the "outing" at jompy's place I've become the official bartender now. It was fun. I learned a lot like how to open a bottle using a lighter.
Gel, Xian, Ken, [kuya] Than, Earl, Jompy, Nica, Jun, Migs, 'Sep, Pabs, Bruce, George, Terrence, Allen(?) and three other people I don't know their names...
A little while, Ken had to leave, followed by Gel and Xian around 12/1-ish
Yes... The /bad/ omen Kicked in.. I got drunk at god knows what time. at the same time Macci came.
Horrible thing is... I remember everything D:
Why the hell did I... -Sing [Hit Me] Baby One More Time -Kept laughing -Kept talking... In English -Thinking out loud, louder than my usual whisper/lip movement -Hit 'Sep D: (I regret that) -Talk to Macci with Nica's phone drunk -Logged in YM via meebo while drunk -Get scolded by Earl more than enough
Things I've said... to Macci: "Macci, macci, macci, macci, macci, macci, macci~! I'm drunk." to Earl, after gargling while looking at the mirror: "Do I always look like that?" to Migs, while accessing Meebo: "I can log onto my YM, AIM, MSN, in this website." to 'Sep: "Seeeeeeeeep~ Can I hit you?" (I still regret that) to no one in particular: "HahahHAHAHaHahAhahAHahahAhahAhHAhAaHAHAha~!" to someone, forgot who: "I'm alright, really... I just need to puke." to Earl: "Why am I talking in English? Why can't I talk in Tagalog" ("Tagalog" is pronounced very conyo like)
Most horrible realization: I woke up with my shirt on backwards D:
I wonder... what would have happened if I had a serious conversation while drunk...? I don't think I want to get drunk again for a while.. I'll be laying off alcohol for a month.
8:45 PM Did You LISTEN Carefully?
Nigel Sioson
12th of May
UST:Fine Arts Major in Advertising