Honestly, I can't think of anything to blog from the past week. Possibly because I'm stuck playing EssenceRO. :/
Kechu and I were talking about McDonalds Happymeals just earlier. How awesome those trinkets were in the 90's and how not-so-appealing they are now. We've mentioned a whole bunch of old Happymeals, including the snoopy, 101 Dalmatians collections, Disney specials, Mattel's older Barbie and hotwheels mini sets, older Pokemon merchandise, and the most awesome Happymeal ever, The Mcdonalds themed happymeals. I guess this happened because we both have those current cinnamonroll happymeals, and that we saw the Grimace and Birdie Mascots at McDonalds Retiro. So what was Grimmace anyway? they say he's supposed to be thascot for Milkshakes, but he's purple :/
We also talked about the old McDonalds, like the awesome play area. I still remember those spring horses. Also, does anyone remember Mayor McCheese, and Officer BigMac? And because of that I went and wiki'd McDonald's. We all know Ronald, Birdie, Grimmace, Hamburglar (who now seems to be buddy-buddy with ronald unlike before where he's sneeking some burgers away) The HappyMeal Gang (the drink, fries, and cheeseburger with eyes). The Fry Kids are there, just not a lot know them. There are a couple I've never heard of like Captain Crook, Iam Hungry, CosMC and Uncle O'Grimmacey. Honestly, I haven't seen or heard of the McNugget Buddies.
After reading the Wiki page, I've finally understood what Grimmace is!! :D
He's an EVIL PURPLE TASTEBUD with FOUR ARMS!! He comes by and steals McMilkShakes, but Ronald somehow made friends with him, he dropped his other two arms and is now good, thus the whole relationship with Milkshakes. :D
8:01 PM Did You LISTEN Carefully?
Nigel Sioson
12th of May
UST:Fine Arts Major in Advertising