Thursday, May 01, 2008

To the MALL, Sparky!!

It's been a long day.... I got lots to say...

First off: The shocking news!

I went out today on a trip around GreenHills, Robinsons Galleria, Megamall, Mandaluyong City, ans Shangrila. It was very tiring, My feet hurt when I got home. No, no that's not the shocking news... it's the fact that I started with 1200 pesos in my wallet... now, it's just a mere 250 D:

Oh noes!! I'm such a Spender!! I'm not usually Like this... On special missions, like wanting that certain game, makes me save money, But I blame other hobbies of mine that hinder...

Let us view my shopping list a while ago...

P200 = 4 Yujin (Gashapon/Capsule Toy) Tokens (equivalent to 2 Gashapon/Capsule Toys)
P260 = 2 Pirated Games (it's actually a gift for a friend, and sonce he's more of a pirated kind of person :/ might as well...)
P180 = Pokemon D/P Great Encounters Booster (not for me)
P??? = Commute
P102 = Lunch at Mc Donalds
P52 = Snack at 7-11

Wishlist: (these are what I found but didn't have enough money to buy)
P1200 = DX Engine Birca (Go-Ongers) with Birca Soul
P750 = Gligar Plushie
P999 = Lego Creator (Black Spider)
P??? = Wiimote (Ahahaha... I didn't manage to find out how much one cost)

Good, god... I spent a lot D:

Okay... now for the annoying news.
I went to GH Fully Booked, Rob Galle new book store (forgot what it was again) and SM Mega and Shang's Power Books... All I found were Pokemon Mangas Volume 1-14!! so I summed up a conclusion.... They don't have the R/S saga I wanted D:

Now, then... what was I doing in Mandaluyong? I went there to drop a package... I'm not sure if it was the right place... but I did follow the map I had, and the house number. It was just that no one answered the door.....
I just hope I dropped it in the right house D:

Of course what's a trip without a good side?

Well, I was lucky at the two Gashapon toys I got! The first one I got was Rhyperior, One of Two of Seven Figures that are bigger than the rest!! It have me a Hype to buy another one, That and the capsule was Spherical in shape! I could just paint it into a pokeball :3

So the second one I got was also great... At first I said to myself, I'll give it away as a prize in the next Contest in, but then again, Yanmega/Yana Came out!! It was what I wanted from the whole set!! So, naturally I won't give it away XD So lucky~

Oh, another thing.... What place can give you a 50-ish Peso meal, with a drink as big as 32 oz!? 7-11 That is!! I had my lunch around 11:30-ish, and and went around Rob Galle, SM Mega, Manda, Shang, I got tired of walking around, and I got a headache, around 3:40 I was still in shang, so I want to the food court... Ugh so expensive... even a Fruit Shake D:

I'd like to try Wendy's, Their Biggie is also satisfying... but the meals are just expensive...

So I thought to myself, "just go home, there's a 7-11 on the way home right, go get 'BIG UHAW'!". So I did and, boy, was it satisfying. I ate a sandwich for P24 the Big Gulp was P28, and after eating the sandwich, and what felt like a regular in KFC, I was surprised I didn't even finish Half! going home from there takes less than 10 minutes by commute (Jeep/FX). I got home and there was still a lot, around 1/5 of the glass... Ahhh... that was satisfying :3

What was I doing out during Labor day anyway? well, I was supposed to go out the day before (wednesday), but My mom gave me my "summer allowance" that night instead of the usual tuesday night.

Another is that I did strainous activities (extreme walking under extreme heat) to tire myself, hoping to knock myself back to a normal biological time line.

Oh, and I celebrated a certain someone's birthday by going outside~ even though we didn't meet!!


I wished we did though. ;3;

Wow... what a long entry.... I bet you people got tired of reading that hunh?

9:14 PM
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Nigel Sioson
12th of May
UST:Fine Arts Major in Advertising

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Done by Sze Jia
Edited by LeviathanOfuda