No, but I just forgot to mention this... but better post in a new post :/
I'm currently looking for a good way to get my place wified and I'm thinking of purchasing a wi-fi USB but I'm not entirely sure how much one is.... any good suggestions?
BTW I am addicted to Go-Ongers right now, And I finally found the perfect henshin device for me!!! The Shift Changer!! which Go-On Green and Go-On Black are using to transform!!
One more thing... The MANTAN GUN IS THE COOLEST WEAPON I'VE EVER SEEN!! AND I WANT ONE!!! No, not the toy, A custom made mantan gun!! which in rod mode can extend to less than 1 meter. The toy on the other hand is extends to less than 12 inches. :/
12:02 AM Did You LISTEN Carefully?
Nigel Sioson
12th of May
UST:Fine Arts Major in Advertising