My blog is not dead yet!! I Must heal it with walls of text!! >:D
Yesterday was wednesday, 3rd day of our CFAD week, Not much is going on. We made at least some progress on the Float were going to use for saturday's parade. The Kite Flying Contest was an anticipated event, lot's of kites in the air and all, makes you feel like a kid again. although only one stayed for a long time in the air and gained high altitude... but it was a glider kite, no surprise there. some of us who hated laughed when it got caught in the grandstand and the gigantinormous christmas tree.
Speaking of kid, we played tag after the kite contest. It's been a very long time since I felt like that! all those days longing around playing games have shortened my stamina and lessened my speed- Oh noes D:
hehe I also managed to prove that even championship decks (I'm talking about pokemon TCG here) can be beaten- they just didn't lose in the worlds XP and DP can beat EX anytime D: (must get a DP deck!)
10:17 AM Did You LISTEN Carefully?
Nigel Sioson
12th of May
UST:Fine Arts Major in Advertising