I went to Ateneo... God, I had a hard time getting there, I constantly checked my map on ever intersection I crossed D:
Thankfully there was this kind couple who showed me how to get there and went with me till the gates. The girl was even kind enough to share a piece of chocolate with me. I think they thought I was an incoming freshman though :/
Why was I doing there anyway...? Well... that person had a play produced there... an english workshop of some sort. that person happens to be the director. At lest now we have something else in common. Their play was very interesting, the ending was absolutely surprising. Honestly I didn't expect that. Excellent job, you! :3
Well... I got to Ateneo by Jeep, but I don't think it could work out going back... so i took a cab :/
2:58 AM Did You LISTEN Carefully?
Nigel Sioson
12th of May
UST:Fine Arts Major in Advertising