Friday, June 25, 2004

Yay! I survived 1 week of being a 3rd yr student!!! ...err... uh, oh... I have a weird feeling that something's gonna go horribly wrong... ... anyways, could someone tell me the difference of Delphi(sword of mana GBA) and Delvar (secret of mana 3) both are in the Mage Class... anyways, there's not much happening now..., I'm still finding a friend of mine in pRO (she said she'll give me a vitata clip for free)..., and lotsa homework from trecherous newbee teachers... Arrrrrr!! I WANT THAT HEAL CLIP!!!!! darn you girl-who-promised-rare-items!!! anyways, i'll post sometime again...

8:27 PM
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Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Waaahh! Back to school!... we started last monday June 21...(I'm NOT in a puplic school!)

Anyways, being a 3rd yr. doesnt seem bad... at least theres lots to look out for like... Feild trips, Retreats, and even JS Prom... Hmmm... anyways... Just postinf for the sake of posting... har... anyways, got lots to do... I'll post again if I could...

5:50 PM
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Monday, June 14, 2004

Uhh... sorry 'bout that... I guess I havent been posting a while (right after my birthday...and the fact that I'm playing pRO now and then...(I'm a mage! obviously)
Oh, well... Anyways... I was researching the elements... anyways heres what I have If ya' now more about this then point out my mistakes and stuff like that....

The Elements:

. Earth: Basic Ground-type Magic
Spells found in Games/Anime:
Quake/Earthquake, Up Lift, Up Heaval, Earth Spike, Heaven's Drive, Canopy Defense, etc.

. Fire: Basic Fire-type Magic
Spells found in Games/Anime:
Fire, Fira, Firaga, Fire Bolt, Fire Ball, Fire Wall, Fire Pillar, Sightrasher, Ember, Flame Thrower, Fire Spin, Fire Blast, Flare, Hell Fire, etc.

. Wind: Basic Wind-type Magic
Spells found in Games/Anime:
Aero, Aera, Aeraga, Tornado, Gust, Whirl Wind, Air Cutter, etc.

. Water: Basic Water-type Magic
Spells found in Games/Anime:
Water, Watera, Waterga, Deluge, Water Gun, Surf, Hydro Pump, Hydro Canon, , Whirlpool, Water Ball, Dive, Waterfall, etc.

. Stone: Secondary Ground-type Magic
Spells found in Games/Anime:
Stone Curse, Wall, Rock Throw??, Rock Slide, etc.

. Plant/Grass/Leaf: Secondary Ground-type Magic
Spells found in Games/Anime:
Bush whacker, Bush Basher, Carnivore, Vine whip, Razor Leaf, Magic Leaf, Leech Seed, Growth, etc.

. Lightning/Thunder: Secondary Wind-type Magic
Spells found in Games/Anime:
Bolt, Thunder, Thundera, Thunder(a)ga, Thunder Storm, Luminare, Judgement Bolt, etc.

. Ice: secondary Water-type Magic
Spells found in Games/Anime:
Blizard, Blizara, Blizaga, Cold Bolt, Frost Driver, Ice Wall, Storm Gust, Frost Nova, Ice Lance, Ice Beam, Sheer Cold, Diamond Dust, etc.

. Light/Holy: Third class Magic
Spells found in Games/Anime:
Holy Light, Holy Healing, Holy, Holy Judgement, etc.

. Dark: Third class Magic
Spells found in Games/Anime:
Death, Doom, etc.

. Time/Space: High-class Magic
Spells found in Games/Anime:
Meteorite, Meteor, Dooms Day, Super Nova, Grand Cross, etc.

. Elemental: Combination Magic Earth, Fire, Wind, Water
Spells found in Games/Anime:
Antipode, Etc.

. Lunar: gravitation?-class Magic
Spells found in Games/Anime:
Gravity, Gravira, Graviga, Lunar Cresent, etc.

. Gold: ?? Magic
Spells found in Games/Anime:
Golden Pyers, etc.

. Pure: Combination Magic Wind, Water, Plant, Ice
Spells found in Games/Anime:
Heal, Cure, etc.

. Impure: Combination Magic Earth, Fire, Stone, Lightning
Volcano, Red Lightning, etc.

. Energy: Combination Magic Holy, Dark
Light and Dark, Holy-Evil, etc.

. Psychic: Psycic powers
Psychic, Psy Wave, Psy Beam, etc.

If I find more elements...or spells... I'll notify you...
Yeah... next time!

2:20 PM
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Nigel Sioson
12th of May
UST:Fine Arts Major in Advertising

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Done by Sze Jia
Edited by LeviathanOfuda