This is the fucking reason why I opted for a digital camera.
I'm actually fine with an SLR, but no, I just feel like it has too many cons.
First off, I'd be spending lots of money for film. the 100 ISO are cheap, but I just found out that the 200 ones have better quality, and a lot expensive. I use up what, 2-3 rolls of 36 shots per week, add it up to how much that be per week in two semesters/nine to ten months, I'd have enough for a brand new Wii.
Second, is that I'd be also spending for Photo Printing on every roll.
And, oh the incompetence of the people I send to get them developed, and the people who develop. I NEED EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM DON'T FUCKING LEAVE ONE OUT!
It's the Nth time I got what? 4-7 printed images from a 36-shot roll of film.
DAMN IT! I NEED MY SILHOUETTE!!! But nooooooo... Workers in Kodak thinks it's a "Bad Photo", as they can only see the blackened figure and white background. Well, THAT WAS THE PURPOSE OF THE SHOT, DAMNIT!
Fuck, it's times like this that I want to drop the subject. It's already AUGUST AND I STILL HAVEN'T SUBMITTED EVEN JUST ONE DAMNED PHOTO!
That's how life is I guess :/
10:29 PM Did You LISTEN Carefully?
Nigel Sioson
12th of May
UST:Fine Arts Major in Advertising