So I went and watched The Dark Knight. Actually, I was supposed to go to the Arnis Demo, but I couldn't find it. It was actually in the Defense and Arms convention, I didn't go in to check because I had to buy a ticket.
Anyway, The movie was awesome! and different. It felt like Three Epic Batman Episodes!! Heath Ledger as Joker was awesome, It's sad that he died young... *may he rest in peace* I grinned widely when I saw "Harvey Dent after batman rescued him" I was like Two-Face!! it was awesome, The whole burnt on the other side was cool, yet gruesome... in a way... I'm thinking it's CG.
As I went home, I saw Mang Fil at the MRT, and that's where I was told where the Arnis Demo was at. Oh, well... At least I watched Batman :3
Hmm.... everyone is playing Diablo 2 LoD again. Definitely because of the Diablo 3 Announcement, I mean it got into the top 10 FAQ page in in just one week!
Anyway...... Let's go old school shall we? I went and answered some random quizzes XD
9:12 PM Did You LISTEN Carefully?
Nigel Sioson
12th of May
UST:Fine Arts Major in Advertising