I'm actually talking about Mangaholix Con Just a while ago at MoA....
Two words, TOTAL BORE!
The Cosplays were totally So-so, nothing caught my attention other than Hard Gay making odd shonen-ai-ish? inducing poses with other guys who requests to have a picture taken with him, A shiny-crimson-leathered I-no, and the complete SPD team, well except shadow, orange, and Omega... Oh there was this kid, around 5-6 yrs maybe? dressed as SPD red, He was sooo cute!! :3
There were no Freebies at all!!! >:'C
everything was just plain boring, it made me want to go outside and do something else...
Good points of the day:
Met a friend with Pokemon Diamond and hunted for flags.
Went and met Lyndon Gregorio, and Chompy again... although They didn't seem to recognize me...... I talked to Chompy and mentioned Khan... buuuut... she recognizes me ... just a bit :/
coincidentally, Sean was there... he was just checking out the convention, just like me.... and we had the same thing in mind... There was nothing to do there!!
Oh, and Pilar bought me Volume 19 of Pokemon Special/Adventures!! XD *thanksabunch*
I rest my case... it was a total bore... I just hope that H3 con would be better... I'm forced to go and cosplay with the Pkmn-ph group :/
8:32 PM Did You LISTEN Carefully?
Nigel Sioson
12th of May
UST:Fine Arts Major in Advertising