Yay! I survived 1 week of being a 3rd yr student!!! ...err... uh, oh... I have a weird feeling that something's gonna go horribly wrong... ... anyways, could someone tell me the difference of Delphi(sword of mana GBA) and Delvar (secret of mana 3) both are in the Mage Class... anyways, there's not much happening now..., I'm still finding a friend of mine in pRO (she said she'll give me a vitata clip for free)..., and lotsa homework from trecherous newbee teachers... Arrrrrr!! I WANT THAT HEAL CLIP!!!!! darn you girl-who-promised-rare-items!!! anyways, i'll post sometime again...
8:27 PM Did You LISTEN Carefully?
Nigel Sioson
12th of May
UST:Fine Arts Major in Advertising